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Friday, July 26, 2024
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Average Teacher Salaries FY 2020

Average Teacher Salaries (A.S.R. §15-903.E. amended by Laws 2018, Ch. 285. §10)
Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2020 (budget year)$43,593
Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2019 (prior year) $41,341
Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year $2,252
Percentage increase 5%

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Adoption of FY 2025 School district Annual Expenditure Budget

Solomon School District No. 5 will have a public hearing and board meeting to adopts its Fiscal Year 2025 Expenditure Budget on July 12, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. in the District's Media Center. A summary of the Proposed Expenditure Budget may be viewed at the link below on the Arizona Department of Education's Website. The complete Proposed Expenditure Budget may be reviewed by contacting Anne Hinton, Business Manager at the District Office, telephone (928)428-0477 during normal business hours.

Click here to be redirected to the link mentioned above.

Average Teacher Salary FY 2023-2024

Average Teacher Salaries (A.S.R. §15-903.E. amended by Laws 2018, Ch. 285. §10)
Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2023 (budget year)$44,734
Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2022 (prior year) $49,083
Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year $1042.17
Percentage increase 3%

Please note that three teachers left the district. Two of these teachers were replaced with people in thier first year of teaching.

Current Approved School District Annual Expenditure Budget

Current Approved School District Annual Expenditure Budget. the link below will bring you to the Arizona School Finance budget system.

Click here to be redirected to the link mentioned above.

FY 2023 School District Annual Financial Report

The fiscal year 2023 Annual Financial Report (AFR) is a report of expenditures and revenues received for the school year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023. This report may be viewed on the Arizona Department of Education website. Please click on the link below to view the detailed information contained within the AFR.

Click here to be redirected to the link mentioned above.

Board Meeting Minutes

Board meeting minutes are available three days after the meeting by contacting the Business Office during regular school hours.

Safe Return to in Person Learning Plan

Safe Return to in Person Learning Plan can be found by clicking on the following link.

Click here to be redirected to the link mentioned above.

Average Teacher Salaries FY 2022-2023

Average Teacher Salaries (A.S.R. §15-903.E. amended by Laws 2018, Ch. 285. §10)
Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2023 (budget year)$49,083
Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2022 (prior year) $47,160
Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year $1,923
Percentage increase 4%

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  Welcome to Adobe GoLive 6 2250 S. Stevens Ave. P.O. Box 167
Solomon, AZ 85551
Phone: 928-428-0477
Fax: 928-428-0398
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