Solomon: Search Engines
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Search Engines

Following is a list of search engines recommended by the Technology Department. If you wish, you may submit a request to have a search engine included in this list.

Note: Search engine will open with a new browser window. Close the browser window to return to Solomon School District.

| All The Web | | Altavista | | Ask Jeeves | | Ask Jeeves for Kids | | Dog Pile | | Google | | Hot Bot | | Meta Crawler | | MSN Search | | Reference Desk | | Web Crawler | | Yahoo |

All The Web

(Try this 2nd) An excellent crawler-based search engine, All The Web provides both comprehensive coverage of the web and outstanding relevancy. If you tried Google and didn't find it, All The Web should probably be next on your list.

General Search Engine--Improvements have been made, but crawlers such as Google and AllTheWeb provide more comprehensive results. Because of this, AltaVista is probably a third-choice crawler, one to try if you haven't found what you are looking for at one of its competitors.
Ask Jeeves

Ask jeeves allows the use of simple sentences to find information. Ask Jeeves instead depends on crawler-based technology to provide results to its users.
Ask Jeeves for Kids
Dog Pile

Meta Search Engine--MetaCrawler is a meta-search engine that searches the Internet's top search engines such as About, Ask Jeeves, FAST, FindWhat, LookSmart, Overture and many more. With one single, powerful search engine, you get the most relevant and comprehensive results. When you use MetaCrawler, you are actually searching many search engines simultaneously.

(Try this 1st) General Search Engine--Google has a well-deserved reputation as the top choice for those searching the web. The crawler-based service provides both comprehensive coverage of the web along with great relevancy. It's highly recommended as a first stop in your hunt for whatever you are looking for.
Hot Bot

Editors monitors the most popular searches being performed and then hand-picks sites that are believed to be the most relevant. After performing a search, "Popular Topics" shown below the search box on the results page are also suggestions built largely by editors to guide you into making a more refined search. When appropriate, search results may also feature links to encyclopedia content from Microsoft Encarta or news headlines, at the top of the page. Of course, humans editors can't do everything, so MSN Search also relies on search providers for answers to many of its queries. Usually, it will be human-powered results from the LookSmart directory that dominate the page.
Meta Crawler

Research Directory--Refdesk indexes and reviews quality, credible, and current information-based sites and assists readers in navigating these sites.
MSN Search

Meta Search Engine--Searches the top search engines, including Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, Ask Jeeves, About, FAST, FindWhat, LookSmart, and many more. Fetches the best results from the combined pool of the best search engines.
Reference Desk

(Try this 2nd) An excellent crawler-based search engine, All The Web provides both comprehensive coverage of the web and outstanding relevancy. If you tried Google and didn't find it, All The Web should probably be next on your list.
Web Crawler

HotBot provides easy access to the web's four major crawler-based search engines:, Google, Inktomi and Teoma. Unlike a meta search engine, it cannot blend the results from all of these crawlers together. Nevertheless, it's a fast, easy way to get different web search "opinions" in one place.

Directory--Yahoo is the web's oldest "directory," a place where human editors organize web sites into categories. However, in October 2002, Yahoo made a giant shift to using Google's crawler-based listings for its main results. If Yahoo is now powered by Google, then why bother using it? For one thing, you might find that the way Yahoo "enhances" Google's listings with information from its own directory may make search results more readable
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