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Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Welcome to Adobe GoLive 6
Welcome to Adobe GoLive 6


We believe:

Every student will be educated academically and socially so as to be a productive citizen.
All students will have equal education opportunities to achieve their individual potential.
We have something to offer every student. Each student is unique.

Welcome to Adobe GoLive 6


Students in school buildings, on school grounds, using District property for any purposes, or attending a District-sanctioned event shall not engage in:

Any conduct intended to obstruct, disrupt, or interfere with teaching, research, service, administrative or disciplinary functions, or any activity sponsored or approved by Board.

Physical abuse of or threat of harm to any person.

District owned or controlled property or at District sponsored or controlled property or at District sponsored or supervised functions.

Damage or threat of damage to property of the District, regardless of the location, or to property of member of the community of a visitor to the school, when such property is located on District controlled premises.

Forceful or unauthorized entry to or occupation of District facilities, including both buildings and grounds.

Unlawful use, possession, distribution, or sale of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs or other illegal contraband on District property or at school-sponsored function.

Failure to comply with lawful directions of District officals or any other law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties, and failure to identify to such officals or when lawfully requested to do so.

Knowing violation of District rules and regulations. Proof that an alleged violator has a reasonable opportunity to become aware of such rules and regulations shall be sufficient proof that the violation was done knowingly.

Any conduct constituting a breach of any federal, state, or city law or duly adopted policy of the Board.

Carrying or possessing a weapon on school grounds.

In addition to the general rules set fourth above, students shall be expected to obey policies and regulations for student conduct as administered by employee.


Each student must recognize that all fellow students have a right to the best education possible, and therefore will avoid any action that may interfere with their ability to excercise that right. If and when a student doesn't follow the rules of the school, they are subject to the following discipline actions:







The severity of the incident will dictate the action taken. The school asks the parents to cooperate and work with the school in these situations.


When are parents disciplining their child, or when are they giving guidance? The question is very hard to answer because there is an overlap between discipline and guidance.

A parent will discipline a child whenever the child is doing something the parent feels is wrong. At the same time, the parent should be giving guidance in explaining to the child, why, whatever the child did, was wrong. In disciplining a chil, the parent should always explain the reason for the discipline.

Children have as one of their social need, approval and encouragement from adults and friends. Parents are asked for many favors by their children and can't always say yes or approve. Children will complain when parents say no or disapprove, but if parents are consistent and show their love, a child readily understands.

Guidance is usually defined as giving or receiving direction, while discipline is usually defined as instruction giving to train for proper conduct or action. It is human nature for children not to like discipline, but in most cases they expect it when they know they have done something they should not have done. Also, all children demand guidance in their daily lives, but this feeling is seldom shown by a child. Parents need to show their concern, love, and give guidance and discipline as needed.


To individualize the learning program in order to provide appropriately for each student.
To protect and observe the legal right of students.
To enchance the self-image of each student through helping him/her feel respected and worthy, and through a learning environment that provides positive encouragement.
To provide an environment of reality in which students can learn personal and civic responsibility for their actions through meaningful experiences as school citizens.
To deal with students in matter of discipline in a just and constructive manner.
To promote regular attendance and good work.


To access the School Report Card, click the link below, which will direct you to Solomon Elementary School Report Card.

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  Welcome to Adobe GoLive 6 2250 S. Stevens Ave P.O. Box 167
Solomon, AZ 85551
Phone: 928-428-0477
Fax: 928-428-0398

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