Solomon: Downloads for OFFICE
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Documents For Your Use...

  Business Office  
  Title   Description
FY 2017 Arizona School District Spending Report FY 2017 Arizona School District Spending Report Solomon_ESD.pdf
File Size: 0.45 MB
Arizona Form 322 Form required to claim school tax credit. ARIZONA FORM 322 2010.pdf
File Size: 42 KB
Arizona Form 322 Instructions Instructions for completing and filing form 322 Arizona Form 322 Instructions.pdf
File Size: 38 KB
Extracurricular Tax Credit Contribution By making a cash contribution or pay a fee to a public school for support of extracurricular activities or for a character education program you will receive a tax credit. The credit is equal to the amount contributed or the amount of fees paid. For single taxpayers or head of household the credit cannot exceed $200.00 per calendar year. For married taxpayers that file a joint return the credit cannot exceed $400.00 per calendar year. If married taxpayers file separate returns each spouse may claim ½ of the credit that would have been allowed on a joint return. For more information on how to make a donation and how to receive your tax credit please clink on the link below. Taxcredit receipt.wpd
File Size: 19 KB

  District Learning Plan  
  Title   Description
DISTRICT LEARNING PLAN District learning Plan Distance-Learning-Plan_Solomon.docx
File Size: 0.15 MB

  Reopening School  
  Title   Description
Parent Letter Parent Letter openingschoolletter2020.docx
File Size: 15 KB
Q&A page Questions and Answers on reopening school Frequently Asked Questions about Solomon Schools Reopening Plan.docx
File Size: 13 KB
Mitigation Plan Mitigation Plan Mitigation Plan.docx
File Size: 15 KB
Solomon Reopening Plan Solomon Reopening Plan Reopening.docx
File Size: 17 KB

  Title   Description
File Size: 91 KB

  Website Help  
  Title   Description
Logging onto the Web Site Directions for logging onto the web site. Includes information on how to update your hours and personal information. 1Logging
File Size: 0.88 MB
Clip Art on the Web Site Reminders about how to add clip art to the web site. Adding
File Size: 0.15 MB
Picture OnThe Web Site Reminders about how to add pictures to the web site. Adding
File Size: 0.10 MB
Calendar Events These directions will step you through add events to your calendar. Creating
File Size: 0.58 MB
Downloads These directions will step you through creating downloads. Creating
File Size: 0.45 MB
Favorite Links These directions will step you through creating favorite links. Creating
File Size: 0.56 MB
Photo Album These directions will step you through creating your photo album. Creating
File Size: 1.44 MB
Front Teacher or Department Page These directions will step you through creating your home page. Creating
File Size: 0.81 MB
Information Page These directions will step you through creating your information page. Creating
File Size: 0.78 MB

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